Thursday, February 28, 2008

New Kits

Hi All,
This is a message from your friendly board of directors.  The shop decided to redesign the kit this year.  We think that having lost the economics of piggybacking on NERAC and the association w/ the IF Elite team had a lot to do with their decision.  In any case, we (the board) just got a look at them and thought we'd share the mock-up.  It's pretty sharp.  I'm sure there will be a lot of divergence of opinion on whether this year is better or last year is better, but I for one like this year better because we are "powered by Bio Drive" and heated by "Bio Comfort."  Thanks again to Kevin Young and Global Petroleum for the sponsorship.  I couldn't get the file into the list so it's here on the blog.
John, Julie, and Jim

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Golden Arrow is ready for the road...but is the road ready for it?

Well, I finally finished it.  It's very cool, actually rides something like a bicycle (69 degree angles,) and shifts (which was an open question.)  I hope to get the brakes off for a few laps at the track this summer. It will sit and wait for better roads for now.  Trying to convince my wife it is art and can go in the living room. Not having much luck.
 And congrats to CTodd on his new career.  

You did WHAT!?

I ran. No, not Iran. I ran. As in, I ran a race. No bikes here. It is the off-season for me and this is my new endeavor to keep me fit. While everyone else (except Alex) is getting their winter rides in and getting their toes frozen, I'm running these days. Apparently doing not-so-bad. 6th overall and 3rd in my age group (30-39) for this 5K. It was put on by the guy who runs the Legal Seafoods Cycling team and had its start/finish right at Legal's HQ in Southie. For those in the know, this is right next to the Harpoon brewery. Chowder and beer post race? You bet!

I don't miss my bike...


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Alex may like snow, but I'll take warmth

I'm back from 6 days of riding in the Everglades. Mid-80's every day.  Very nice to be dry and have warm toes.  Did 4 hour endurance rides everyday.  Very nice.  Great bird watching, huge great blue herons, bald eagles, herons, etc.  
Now that I'm back, I'm working on my 1938 Raleigh Golden Arrow.  Photo attached.